Sorry it has taken so long to report progress.
This is a report on the current progress.
Component Status / 部品のステータス
PCB | Recieved. Appearance check passed 到着済み。チェックOK |
Acrylic middle | In transit. Arriving this week. 輸送中。今週到着。 |
top/bottom plate | In production. Re-production due to quality issues. Arriving this month. 生産中。外観に傷が多いため再生産。今月内には到着。 |
Misc | Sticker done, packing material have been ordered. ステッカー完了。梱包資材は発注済み |
Estimated shipping date / 予定される出荷日
send to the vendor by the end of January at the latest, if there is no problem with the plate.
Next update
I’ll update again when the acrylic parts arrive.